Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

O.K.  so I got up and went rollerblading today.  Got 60 minutes - about 8 miles in - for today.  Not sure why my feet keep hurting, but gonna have to keep an eye on that.  Had a cup of coffee, then around 11 a.m. had a McD's grilled chicken snack wrap.  Came home around 12:30 and had a granola bar.  Gotta start thinking about lunch....

For lunch I had a hot dog and chips (healthy I know)....then around 5:30ish I had some Really Good Chicken, salad and rice....but then I went out with Trina and ended up eating a slice of pizza at Costco and a 1/4 piece of carrot cake cupcake at Panera.....not exactly diet food, but....did get in serious workout this morning.  

Still not noticing too much loss around waist....hoping to see some soon.... 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 1 - July 10, 2012

O.K. so technically I began yesterday, but I started the blog today.  I'm going to see if I can track my eating and exercise achievements (or lack thereof) and see if this gives me the motivation I need to finally achieve some significant weight loss.  
Yesterday I was able to get 30 minutes of exercise on the elliptical at the gym and didn't each too much throughout the day.  
Today, I went walking this morning in the middle of the scorching heat, but got in a good 45 minutes.  I wanted to do more exercise this evening, but as usual ran out of time.  For breakfast I had half a bagel with reduced fat cc, for lunch I had 3 chicken selects from McD's and a few fries, at the mall I had an Aunt Anne's pretzel, then for dinner I had 1/2 rack of baby back ribs at Sonny's.  Waiting on some Pillsbury cc cookies (evening dessert).  I'm going to attempt to make the 7:30 a.m. boot camp....let's see how that goes!   :)